Community MitigationNewsPatients & Community HSPH: A North Dakota community’s struggle with COVID February 9, 2021
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Community MitigationNewsPatients & CommunityVaccine Delivery CBS News: Mass vaccinations: How stadiums host a COVID defensive play February 7, 2021
AdministratorsNewsPatients & CommunityVaccine Delivery The New York Times: Where Do Vaccine Doses Go, and Who Gets Them? The Algorithms Decide February 7, 2021
AdministratorsCommunity MitigationProvidersVaccine Delivery Washington Post: Vaccines alone won’t solve the pandemic. Here are 3 other things we must do. February 5, 2021
NewsPatients & CommunityVaccine Delivery Fortune Brainstorm: The Vaccine Rollout Is a Huge Tech Challenge January 21, 2021
NewsPatients & CommunityVaccine Delivery Washington Post: Covid-19 is devastating communities of color. Can vaccines counter racial inequity? December 18, 2020
NewsPatients & CommunityVaccine Delivery FiveThirtyEight: Does It Matter Which COVID-19 Vaccine I Take? December 18, 2020
NewsPatients & CommunityVaccine Delivery ABC 7: Find out how many people may get a COVID-19 vaccine before you December 16, 2020
NewsPatients & CommunityVaccine Delivery ABC 7: COVID Vaccine: 5 top questions about Pfizer’s coronavirus shot, answered December 15, 2020