Patients & CommunityProvidersVaccine Delivery NEJM: Mass-Vaccination Sites — An Essential Innovation to Curb the Covid-19 Pandemic March 10, 2021
NewsPatients & CommunityVaccine Delivery USA Today: America could soon be swimming in COVID-19 vaccines March 9, 2021
NewsPatients & CommunityVaccine Delivery New York Times: Vaccinated Americans, Let the Unmasked Gatherings Begin (but Start Small) March 8, 2021
NewsPatients & CommunityVaccine Delivery Portland Press Herald: Summer in Maine just might be close to ‘normal’ this year March 7, 2021
NewsPatients & CommunityVaccine Delivery Miami Herald: Florida adds red tape for medically vulnerable while COVID vaccines go unused in Miami March 5, 2021
NewsPatients & CommunityProvidersVaccine Delivery AZ Central: As Americans get vaccinated, fewer are getting tested for COVID-19. March 5, 2021
AdministratorsNewsPatients & CommunityVaccine Delivery CityBeat: Black Ohioans Are 13% of State Population, but 5.6% of the Vaccine Recipients March 5, 2021
NewsPatients & CommunityProvidersVaccine Delivery NBC 10 Boston: COVID Testing’s Dropped 60% in Massachusetts, and It’s Troubling Experts March 5, 2021
NewsPatients & CommunityVaccine Delivery WCVB Boston: How are other states speeding up vaccination process? March 4, 2021
NewsPatients & CommunityVaccine Delivery USA Today: A national system to prioritize COVID-19 vaccines has largely failed as states rely on their own systems March 3, 2021