New York Times: Find Your Place in the Vaccine Line A collaboration with the New York Times and Surgo Foundation using the Vaccine Allocation Planner to calculate the number of people who will need a vaccine in each state and county — and where you might fit in that line.
CBS Austin: New tool figures out your place in line to get the COVID-19 vaccine Kate Miller speaks with CBS Austin on Ariadne Labs' Vaccine Allocation Planner.
Vox: What if developing a vaccine was the easy part? Dr. Rebecca Weintraub joins Today, Explained to discuss the challenges ahead in vaccine delivery.
BBC: What it takes to vaccinate the world Dr. Rebecca Weintraub joins BBC's Business Daily to discuss worldwide coordination of COVID-19 vaccines.
WBUR: ‘Make It A Different Thanksgiving’: Dr. Asaf Bitton On The One-Household Holiday Dr. Asaf Bitton joins CommonHealth to discuss how Thanksgiving will look different during the COVID-19 pandemic.