Medical Xpress: How South Korea protects health care workers from COVID-19 Medical Xpress highlights SeungJu Jackie Oh who co-authored Ariadne Labs' South Korea Global Evidence Brief
babycenter: Pregnancy and the coronavirus: Symptoms, social distancing, and staying calm Dr. Asaf Bitton's social distancing guidance is highlighted by babycenter.
New York Times: How Safe Are Outdoor Gatherings? Dr. Asaf Bitton weighs in on the risks of attending outdoor gatherings during the pandemic.
Building Design + Construction: Are hospitals prepared for the next pandemic? MASS Design Group and Ariadne Labs' design study is featured.
STAT: An experiment in end-of-life care: Tapping AI’s cold calculus to nudge the most human of conversations Dr. Justin Sanders comments on the use of AI in caring for seriously ill patients.
WCVB Boston: Millions expected to travel by car because of COVID-19 Dr. Asaf Bitton on tips to stay safe when traveling for the 4th of July holiday.