New York Times: How to Celebrate the Spring Holidays Safely With Your Family Dr. Asaf Bitton offers guidance on family celebrations and travel.
Miami Herald: With Florida requiring doctor’s note for many, pace of COVID vaccination slows in Miami Dr. Weintraub in the Miami Herald on the importance of an efficient vaccine delivery system.
Politics in Perspective: Vaccine Nationalism Dr. Rebecca Weintraub explores vaccine nationalism on a podcast from the United Nations Association Youth Platform.
Popular Science: You’re vaccinated. Now what? Dr. Asaf Bitton in Popular Science on the CDC guidelines for people who are vaccinated.
USA Today: America could soon be swimming in COVID-19 vaccines Dr. Rebecca Weintraub in USA Today on the evolving challenges of vaccine distribution.
New York Times: Vaccinated Americans, Let the Unmasked Gatherings Begin (but Start Small) Dr. Rebecca Weintraub in the New York Times on the CDC's latest guidance for vaccinated individuals.